In a recent Peer Coaching conversation with a senior
executive of a Company I realized that my questions were in a way, driving him
to reach his objective. Of course, this was post session realization. Being a seasoned
coach himself he said your questions were good and focused and made him think about how to reach his goal. He also added that I demonstrated almost all
Coaching competencies in a structured manner. But somehow, I sensed, something
else, in the comment. Were my questions too structured and focused on the goal?
Was I inhibiting the client to unpack more?
Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in
thought- provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their
personal and professional potential”. In
this case I was doing the same. I also got similar feedback from others, that you are very
focussed in the discussion. Is it good or bad, I don’t know? Probably my
educational training as an Engineer subtly drives me to a structured way of
coaching conversation in which client goal is paramount. Maybe I have an
unconscious pressure that client goal for the session should be achieved,
otherwise the conversation is futile. Every activity should be outcome
oriented. Is it not?
This reflection suddenly reminded me of few prescriptions,
by Chad Hall MCC: Follow the first rule of Improv and Think like a kid with
Improv is a comedy in which the plot, characters and dialog are
made up on the spot. There is no written script, everything happens in the
moment. A beautiful demo of improv can be seen here (
). It is like going with flow in the conversation. This is a comedy where presence of mind and non-interpretation
of what the other person has said, has paramount importance. The comedy unfolds
In coaching, the coach has to follow this. He should flow
along with the client without
interpreting what the client is saying.
Respond to the client what he has just
said. Go along with his thought process. I realized that, I have to step back and un condition
myself, from my organised way of thinking, so that I can follow this advice.
In our daily conversations have we noticed, how many times
we have a desire to reach the outcome fast. In our fast-paced world we want
everything to happen fast. A person has
come to ask you something, and you do not allow him/her to express him/her
completely. You do not follow the conversation thread. You have some ideas
about how this should go. These ideas are dictated by the role you play- that
of a father/ mother, sister, colleague, boss, subordinate and the role, the
other person is playing. Also, many a
times we do this because we are busy, or we are not there in the conversation.
How wonderful it would be if we follow that rule of improv. I think this will give a feeling of being
listened and being present in the conversation to the other person. I believe
then that such conversations we have with people will be more enriching, and
will lead to stronger connections.
The other prescription: think like a kid with crayon. This
took me back to my daughters’ younger days. When we admitted her to pre school-
We were informed that your child may paint on a wall of your house with
crayons. Please let her do that and do not restrict her. At school also, they have
kept a wall in the class room, where children can paint with crayons. I
remembered, how my daughter used to scribble with crayon on the wall of our
tiny flat. She made the wall, look like a giant abstract painting. What was
important, was the way she enjoyed drawing on the wall. That smiling glint in
her eyes, made us understand, that she was thoroughly enjoying the activity.
In the coaching conversation the client has decided to reach
a certain goal. Mostly his internal
state of mind, his beliefs about himself are the roadblocks, to achieve that
goal. The coach is partnering with him, to understand what is that, that is
blocking him. When coach along with the client, starts thinking like a kid with
crayon, it allows the client to vividly paint a picture of goal, he wants to
achieve. It also gives scope for his imagination, as to what impact it will
have on his life, when he achieves that goal. This is kind of a dreaming
process, albeit an open one and shared with the coach. This process, I feel
gives a joy to the client of imagining his future state and not only that, allows
him to discover his strengths and limiting beliefs. It is a process of
discovery, for the client. Someone has said, that human being is the story, he
is telling himself. This kind of story telling, will definitely help the client
to transform himself. It will help him to energise and get inspired to achieve his goal.
We dream, when we are kids. As we grow up, the conditioning we
go through, starts putting limitations on our dreams. We start forming beliefs
about our abilities, and what we can achieve and what we cannot. Of course, a
person who has never climbed a hill ,cannot immediately conquer Mt. Everest.
But if he dreams and is willing to do the necessary hard work, he can
definitely climb Mt. Everest. What is important, is the capacity to dream and
to act on that dream. In this world where success is defined by external
factors and consumerism is reigning supreme, we are trying ourselves to conform
to those norms, and our dreams are deeply influenced by these norms. Probably I am again becoming too philosophical
here. But I must remind myself, that next
time in a conversation be it coaching or otherwise, I will try and help the
speaker to think like a kid with crayon.
Many of our day-to-day conversations become dull and boring.
We just chitchat, ask about weather or any other topic of current affairs
/interest and then the steam fizzles
out. The conversations that ensue, are just transactional and not deep and
invigorating. I read somewhere, that we
can intersperse the conversation, with following question after the normal
chitchat to make it more interesting.
“What is that you felt joyous about in last week (yesterday,
last fortnight, last month). Pl tell me”
I am sure, this simple trick will lead you to invigorating
conversations. And these conversations will help you, to strengthen the bond with the person you are