Friday, 1 July 2022

Mental Toughness


"Mental toughness is often portrayed as determination and persistence, but it can also be flexibility and adaptability.

- I can be happy anywhere.

- I can work with what I have.

- I can have a good day with anyone.

You are tough when your mood is not dependent on your conditions." James Clear author of Atomic Habits

I had subscribed to the email letter of James Clear. I got the above, in one of the mails. Generally, we attribute toughness to decisiveness, determination and persistence in spite of obstacles. The above quote made me thinking. Yes, in the present, rapidly changing world, flexibility and adoptability are equally important. But what struck me most, was the statement “I can work with what I have”.

Recently I had purchased a mirrorless camera and I am developing photography as a hobby. The camera came with a kit lens and I also got another telephoto lens. I am watching You tube videos, to learn the art and science of photography. I was mesmerised by the photos of birds and got interested in birding. I took my camera along with the lens to a near by place and tried to capture the snaps of the birds. But the effect was not to my liking, and then I started searching internet about the lenses, that are being used by wildlife photographers, to get those stunning shots. I soon realized, that those lenses, are not affordable to me. But I brooded on the thing, what will happen, if I have got one of those big telephoto lenses. And then in my mailbox, I got this mail. The meaning of the statement that sunk in me deeply. I can work with what I have. Can I? A question arose in my mind.

That question took me on a nostalgic trip. We, a family of six, were staying in a very small, two room flat, on ground floor, in a chawl, in 70s. My father decided, to furnish the flat, to make it more liveable. He conceived of a cupboard, attached to the wall, where my mother can store grocery containers and the door of the cupboard, when opened, can be used, as a dining table. The door was hinged to the bottom of the cupboard and the top side of the door contained an arrangement for fixing legs.  When the door was opened, it became parallel to the ground, one end being supported by hinges and the other by legs.  Then it could be used for dining, for my studies and for sleeping underneath at night. That was a real novelty then. My father used the little space, in an ingenious way, to work as cupboard and as a table. I remember my engineering school days, when I used to complete, my drawings on the table at night, after dinner was over. If there were guests, we used to close the cupboard, remove the detachable legs and use the complete floor space for sleeping. This was a perfect execution, of the statement, work with what you have.

In a corporate set up, definitely resources are required, to achieve the goals, set up for the organisation, but I think optimum use of resources, is a key everywhere, be it a home or a company.

I realized, I was unnecessarily brooding over, what I could do, if I had a bigger telephoto lens than using the existing one for creative use. Yes, toughness is when, I can work with what I have.

“I can be happy anywhere”. Possible. May be or may not be. But I find it difficult? We have so many expectations about our body, surroundings, job, relationships and even the places we visit for holidays that being happy anywhere can be a tough task. What do you think? What is your experience?

“I can have a good day with anyone”. We have likings and dislikes for people, their appearances, their skin colour, their culture, eating habits and what not. We like some of our work colleagues while we abhor some. Even in family setup we prefer company of certain relatives to that of others. Is it not?

“You are tough when your mood is not dependent on your conditions.” Mood is the mental state, of a person or the feeling, he is experiencing, at a particular time. This is really the essence, of toughness, as defined by James Clear. Our mental state is affected by our health, financial condition, weather, traffic, our boss, our spouse’s mood – so many factors. There are lot of external and internal factors on which our mood is dependent. Today morning I woke up and was planning to go for my morning walk. This walk is an elixir for me as it rejuvenates me physically as well as mentally. Being rainy season, it was raining pretty intensely. I was not able to go for a walk and felt disappointed. I felt unhappy and my mood became slightly gloomy. How weather affects your mental wellbeing? How can we ringfence our mood from external/ internal conditions? What you do, to keep you mood high (without using any substances!).  

How we can be tough, in the sense James Clear says. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represents least tough and 10 represents maximum tough, can we evaluate ourselves, for our toughness, on the three statements mentioned above. If we can honestly do that, we will know about ourselves better. We will be able to find, where we need to work on. There will be many more dimensions for toughness, but I felt the three above- work, place, person cover most of the human interactions. What do you think? What do you think about your toughness score and what you do to become more tough? Do let me know.



  1. This is a lifelong exercise to move more and more towards 10. Reading, meditation and being more reflective in routine helps me in becoming better on this.
    I fee irony is that we all end up training to become tough and hen actual strength lies in flexibility.

    1. Yes flexibility and adoptability are characteristics of toughness. An incisive comment. Thank you.

  2. When we take a TOUGH stand to achieve the target , hit bull's eye we automatically become flexible and adaptable to attain the goal. Thus it is a natural phenomenon.

  3. Happiness and inner peace depends upon balance between " what i want and what i have"...If we are able to develop our inner peace and happiness then no external force affects..Learn to create our own happiness irrespective of people, place and with what we have...If our goals are fixed and strong we move forward adapting to any situation. Actual skill lies in winning over our moods.. Controlling or sharpening emotional regulation skills will make a person mentally strong. Yoga , an invaluable gift of India is a holistic approach to healthy mind and well being.

    1. A very good and detailed comment. You have beautifully expanded on the theme of the post.

  4. It can be measured by your temperament. If you find yourself upset and angry all the time then that indicates that you might lack mental toughness, but if you have a relatively calm mind and can think and act mindfully, then that indicates mental toughness. Mental toughness is always determined by a persons temperament. Thank you ash for a wonderful article referred on IG Story. Thank you blogger for opportunity to give comment on your valuable views.@Caroline-Anadyr, Russia

  5. Yes, because power comes from the mind. And the mind is a muscle that you grow, a computer that you develop. Mental toughness is not innate. Thanx a ton @Esmeralda -Amsterdam, Netherlands . I landed on your blog due to referral story of Ashwinis with beautiful charasmatic bird. That bird is telling gist of your post.

  6. Advice from one of my favorite monks, but it works in this context. Sometimes when we take the time to breathe, and smile, it can change our outlook on life. I use this to keep my mood good. Thanx a lot for a wonderful blog. @Oceana- Jakarta

  7. Nature can boost feelings of happiness and reduce stress, but it can also help improve your ability to focus, which could be key to improving your mood when you find it tough to get things done. Nature is free for all yes but it is our duty to keep it alive. This i am doing to become more tough. Thank you writer , IG and referral @Veronica -Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  8. Take time to appreciate your life! I like to reflect on my life, and all the good things in it, on a regular basis. I do this when I run, or when I watch the sunset or sunrise, or when I’m out in nature. I am lucky today i visited IG story and i found this. Thanx a ton dear. @Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Gabrielle

  9. The number of experiences and challenges we had to live through and have successfully overcome, remaining human, caring, and humble enough to keep learning, growing, and doing our shadow work, a lifelong process. Know yourself, know the world. This is i am following no confusion. Thanx for a wonderful blog. @Madeline - Brussels, Belgium

  10. Accurate self evaluation is an ongoing process, as is the growing-up process… it is a task which never really has a definite or continuous definition. Yet that does not mean that it has to be “difficult”. The main goal of self evaluation is managing your constantly changing situation/environment/influences with a healthy measure of personal goals and values which are important and beneficial to you.. Thank you dear your writing skill is awesome. @Tim Parsons - Houston

  11. Simply, a mood is part of your emotional rhythm, but a little less intense than an emotion. And it usually has a trigger, such as an event or experience. So reaction for event or experience is matter for me and i control that trigger. Thank you for a wonderful blog referrance. @Willa - Belgrade

  12. If you realize in your heart that nothing lasts forever. External circumstances are temporary, they should not make you too happy nor too sad, for you know that even your time on earth is limited. Beautiful blog. @Athena - Bucharest

  13. The trick is to watch for changes in your mood, particularly any very high swings or very low dips (which may mean you need help to even out your emotional state). Self-monitoring is free and takes hardly any time. And it becomes easier as you make it part of your daily routine. Fantastic article thanx. @Canberra - Antonina

  14. How does one know when he/she is doing accurate self-evaluation? The point is this: lawyers don’t try their own case when they’re indicted or summoned or sued in a civil matter. Doctors don't operate or do surgery on themselves, etc, etc. So there’s no accuracy in self-evaluation, really. Even to ourselves we tend to be bias. So here Life coach may help .Is it? Thanx a ton dear. @ Felix - Cape Town, South Africa

    1. Life coach will facilitate self understanding in a better way rather than provide accurate safe evaluation.

  15. Keep mood without use of substance is a High state of mind. Wonderful article. @Karl -Casablanca

  16. Learn to enjoy the simple things. Instead of wanting to buy expensive things, and spend money on doing things like eating out or entertainment, learn to enjoy stuff that’s free. This is great message in your post but sometime people is misusing and give torture to you. Anyway it is a great read and thanks for reference. @Darwin - Felipe

  17. Accurate self evaluation is difficult because there is, in fact, no fixed “self” entity that can be evaluated. Although we may have an idea of a fixed, definable, assessable self based on observations of certain past behaviors, the simple fact is that we can and do change our behavior in response to even only subtly-changing contexts, and in fact we often actually do so. @Grahm Dawson - USA

  18. Mindfulness is a popular approach to managing low mood, in which you maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and environment. You accept what comes without judgment. Thank you ashwini for a wonderful blog my friend. Thank you writer. @Lukas- London

  19. Regardless of our age, at each stage of life, we should take a moment to take stock, to do a self-evaluation. We should know who we are and understand what we want. We should have asked ourselves the tough questions, see ourselves clearly, and make adjustments if necessary. This doesn't guarantee success but it guarantees that you will feel good about how you are living your life. This is continuous process may be till death. thank you friend for wonderful blog. @Valentino -Copenhagen

  20. Exercising is like a magic bullet and i am doing it to keep my mood ok. So can you say that i am using exercise as a substance. your statement about " to keep you mood high without using any substances" confused me. pls explain @Marco- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    1. Substances mean alcohol, drugs etc which give you an artificial temporary high. Thank you for the comment.

  21. Take cold showers because it is hard. If you normally do 20 pushups try to do 25. Try to talk to that beautiful girl or boy you see in the subway. The main purpose here is not to actually achieve these things but to TRY and get out of your comfort zone. By doing so, this comfort zone will expand and you’ll feel the need to achieve greater things unconsiously. Fabulous !!! @Carlos - Amsterdam

  22. Without substance is like a rope less rock climbing and it seems difficult. Fantastic blog!! @Hanoi, Vietnam - Yacine

  23. Finding contentment with the stuff you have and with a simpler life can lead to buying less, to buying things we need instead of want, and to only spending what we can afford. I know this first-hand, as uncontrolled spending led to debt for me, and contentedness led to me getting out of debt. Nice article thank you. @Oliver - Hanoi, Vietnam

  24. A short wander through the nearest park, or any other green space, can do a lot to bust a low mood. Thanx a ton writer. @ Harare, Zimbabwe -Boris

  25. Great method is a morning gratitude session — think of all the things and people you’re thankful for, and thank them silently. Superb blog. @Dominik - Helsinki, Finland

  26. If you want to be mentally strong, throw yourself into difficult situations. You will be surprised to see your limits. @Jakarta - Grozdan

  27. As long as I have breath, I will continue to live and laugh and give, and try. There is always a door that is open if only just a crack. I am implementing this to keep me boosted. Thank you for reference. @Jayden - Johannesburg, South Africa

  28. I have followed my heart. I have trusted my inner voice to lead me even when there were easier roads. I have done the 'right' thing. I have been true to myself. So because of this i can be cool. Fabulous blog. @Cameron - Johannesburg, South Africa

  29. Stop, and consider why you want something. When I feel the urge to buy something, thinking about whether it’s a need or a want. If it’s a want, taking a pause. It’s good to wait 30 days — keep a 30-day list … when you want something, put it on the list with the date, and if you still want it in 30 days, you can buy it). Consider why you want something. Are you not content with what you already have? Why not? Wonderful blog shared thanx a ton my friend. @Robert - Kuala Lumpur

  30. Your lifestyle decides how mentally strong you are. @Beau - USA

  31. Mental toughness is more about mental stability. @Rowan - Hanoi, Vietnam

  32. A brisk 10-minute walk can increase blood flow to your brain and energize you, easing feelings of fatigue and sluggishness. Wonderful blog. @Evan - London

  33. Conversations and walks with other people. Spending time outdoors. Watching a DVD or playing board games. Going to the beach. Playing sports. Running. These things don’t cost much, and they are awesome. Your blog is awesome dear. @Myles - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

  34. Well-articulated! Thanx for referral @Charlotte

  35. Such beautiful writing this is. I appreciate your talent dear. Thank you. @Dorothy - London

  36. To be honest, I generally don’t read. But, this article caught my attention. Thanx Ashwini and writer. @Megan - Johannesburg

  37. Some people think that writing on computers is easy. But I know how difficult it is to come up with ideas and turn them into meaningful and interesting content. Never give up, bro! @Rose - Prague

  38. I wish I could be as dedicated and passionate about writing, just like you. Thank you @ Joy - Sydney

  39. I am grateful for the life I've been given. I'm grateful for every opened and closed door. I am grateful for the hope of more to come.This is for my state of mind keeping good. @Nathaniel - Jakarta

  40. Your writing deeply connects with me. I encourage you to keep writing. @Jayden - Perth, Western Australia

  41. You’ve explained it better.@Christopher - Sydney

  42. No words, just applause. Such a great piece @Santiago - Perth

  43. Sleep is a HUGE one for me. Over the years I’ve learnt that if I don’t get my sleep, the next day (or days) will be a problem. Whether it’s our children (or our partners!!), our environment and neighbours or our own anxiety keeping us awake, sleep deprivation will leave even the most zen of us feeling irritable!Sleep and mental health are intricately connected. Wonderful article thank you. @Hayden-Kingston

  44. You presented your ideas and thoughts really well on the paper. @Everett - San Francisco, California, USA

  45. Sometimes we need opinions and insight from others to help us evaluate ourselves better. I know when I get feedback from other people that are close to me or my therapist, I seem to get a lot more insight into myself and gain more knowledge about myself and things I need to change that I couldnt discover on my own without other people's advice and insight @Brittney Smithy- London

  46. I am really impressed with your writing style. Keep it up!@Micah - London

  47. The more self-aware among us transform this natural process of self-evaluation that runs in the background into a conscious, intentional act with clear purpose—it’s a way to learn more about ourselves, understand what drives us and why, and find ways to better achieve the collective elements that coalesce to create a sense of fulfillment. Thanx dear. @Braxton - London

  48. You have a way with words. I don’t know how you write in the ways you do, but it’s very impressive to read. @Ame - USA

  49. I read your blog and your profile which shows you are brilliant person and you are here on the basis of your hard work. Dairying to tell openly about what situation you had. This really need courage. God bless you and wishing more success. @ Tailor- USA

  50. Nothing is beyond the will of man. thank you for superb blog. @Jayce- London

  51. Humans crave connection. We’re hardwired to need it. However, you don’t have to be alone to feel lonely and you don’t necessarily have to feel lonely if you’re alone. Everyone is different in terms of their need for connection. @Malachi -Johannesburg, South Africa Humans crave connection. We’re hardwired to need it. However, you don’t have to be alone to feel lonely and you don’t necessarily have to feel lonely if you’re alone. Everyone is different in terms of their need for connection. I don’t know how to be apart from all without reaction which is the main reason for all drama of life @Malachi -Johannesburg, South Africa

  52. Show people you appreciate them. It’s good to appreciate people, but it’s even better to show them. Give them a hug, smile, spend time with them, thank them out loud, thank them publicly. Thanx for awesome post. @Tristan- Kuala Lumpur

  53. Spending just 10 or 15 minutes in the sun can trigger the production of serotonin, along with more endorphins, making for a hefty dose of mood-improving chemicals. Plus, natural light may help you feel more energized and alert, especially if you’ve been sitting in a dim room. Thank you for referral. @Kim - London

  54. Researchers have found that more than half of happiness depends on things that are actually under our control. That's really good news because it means everyone can be happier. thanx a ton. @Preston- Madrid, Spain

  55. Research increasingly suggests that people who spend time outside regularly, or look at images or videos of nature when going out isn’t possible, often have better moods overall. Excellent blog. @Harare, Zimbabwe - Rony

  56. Ignoring the source of your bad mood won’t make it disappear, but there’s nothing wrong with setting it aside temporarily to focus on something that makes you feel good instead. Super blog. @ Henry - London

  57. Take time to appreciate your life! Nice article dear. @Kenneth- Manila

  58. I arrive at an assessment of myself, I have in fact likely had to 1) make many assumptions about the details of the context in which I am considering the assessment, and 2) ignore counter examples of my own past behaviours in similar (but necessarily not identical) context or circumstances.So the bottom line is that your true “self” is not really definable or assessable at all. Thanx. @Walter- Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  59. I used to think that you could be happy anywhere. That happiness was just a state of mind. Something I was in control of.And that when it came to happiness that it didn’t really matter so much where I lived but that it mattered more how I talked to myself about where I lived. I figured if I could master my self-story, I’d be fine. Excellent blog thank you. @ Tim - Chicago

  60. Many times our lives seem complex. We have so many choices in things that it can be overwhelming. One way to find contentment is to simplify your life in whatever way is possible. Life is inherently complicated, but we can make choices that simplify our lives. One way to make things simpler is to hold ourselves to our standards. You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. Of course, you care about your loved ones, but trying to please everyone all the time isn't realistic. Remember to do what's best for you first, and then take care of others. We can all find ways to simplify our lives, and when we do, it gives us more time in the day and reduces our stress. These are my happiness barriers. Thank you for a wonderful blog. @Den - California

  61. Pursuing happiness can be difficult when it stirs up unexpected feelings of guilt. You might feel guilty about being the newer, happier person you've always wanted to become. Being happy sometimes means breaking away from others who held you back, and it's normal to feel guilty that they weren't able to find what you did. Remember this - you don't have an obligation to make others happy. You can be a good friend, relative, or partner, and be there for your loved ones; however, you cannot make someone happy. You are only responsible for yourself. Thanx bro !!! @ Frank - Boston

  62. As life coach and Fix My Life host Iyanla once said, "Comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against your authentic self." It's tough to enjoy what you've got when your mind is glutted with thoughts like why don't I have what that person has? That said, the impulse is perfectly natural, if often unhealthy. @Rodriguez - Dallas

  63. Suddenly, we see something that makes us feel inadequate or envious. Though your life is still the same good life you had a moment ago, the comparison robs you of your peace and contentment, blotting out your good feelings about your life. Wonderful blog post thank you dear. @Wright - England

  64. People are prone to over-emphasizing how much major life events will change their overall happiness. Thank you for best blog. @ Nelson - Las Vegas

  65. I have learned that being a content person in other areas of my life, and being content with my life in general, has generally helped me at any job. Discontented people tend to be complainers, or grumpy, or negative. Brilliant post. @Hendrix - Madrid, Spain

  66. Mental toughness is usually something you’re born with or develop very early in life due to your surroundings. Excellent blog thanx @Flores - Manila

  67. The root of mental toughness lies in motivation. Those who are deemed mentally tough typically exhibit what sports psychologists call “intrinsic motivation.” Your all posts are wonderful. @Campbell -Mexico City

  68. Learning to talk positively to yourself when the going gets tough takes practice. And accept what we have is difficult. Blog is informative thanx a lot dear. @Carter- USA

  69. Simplicity, of course, means many things to many people, but for me contentedness is at the core of simplicity. It’s about being content with less, with a simpler life, rather than always wanting more, always acquiring more, and never being content. Extremely brillian blog thanx dear. @Amelia - Denver, Colorado, USA

  70. Happiness is synthetic—you either create it, or you don’t. Happiness that lasts is earned through your habits. Supremely happy people have honed habits that maintain their happiness day in, day out. Wonderful blog referred thank you. @ Kelvin-Florida

  71. We need to feel in control of our lives in order to be happy, which is why blaming is so incompatible with happiness. When you blame other people or circumstances for the bad things that happen to you, you’ve decided that you have no control over your life, which is terrible for your mood. Thank you writer . @Sam -Canada

  72. It’s hard to be happy without feeling in control of your life i sm feeling in this way. Your blog is very informative. Thanx @ Bob - Washington

  73. We can’t control our genes, and we can’t control all of our circumstances, but we can rid ourselves of habits that serve no purpose other than to make us miserable. Superb blog. @ Lim - Jakarta

  74. A Mentally Tough person will usually just “get on with it” irrespective of how they feel and their positive approach can often lift the spirits of those around them. Excellent blog thanx @ Mandis - USA

  75. Mentally Tough people view challenges, change and adversity as opportunities rather than threats and will relish the chance to learn and grow in the new and hitherto unknown situation. Fabulous post. @ Loaura - UK

    1. Mental Toughness describes the mind-set that every person adopts in everything they do and it is critically important and valuable for everyone at two levels. Your all blog posts are fantastic. Thank you . @Greg Martial- Helsinki

  76. Mental Toughness is a personality trait which describes mindset. It examines what is in the mind of the individual to explain the way why they behave the way they do. So there is an obvious link between mindset and behaviour. I am glad Ashwini about you have referred such a wonderful blog posts . Thanx @Mango -Canada

  77. Mental Tough people are more positive, have more “can do”, respond positively to change and adversity, show better attendance, more likely contribute to a positive culture and accept responsibility and to volunteer for new opportunities and activities. Great post .@Neil -Texas

  78. There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Seek nothing outside of yourself. Nice blog. @Brianna - Houston, Texas, USA

  79. If we want to be able to deal with adversities head-on, we need a strong survival instinct and a hunger to keep learning, growing, expanding, and moving forward regardless of our fears and challenges.This process most often needs input, help, and support from professionals if we want to make it far.Likewise need help to understand toughness. Excellent blog. @Amelia -UK

  80. Everybody gets moody. Moods are a natural part of your emotional rhythm. Thank you for brilliant blog. @ Benjamin -Brisbane

  81. Instead, learn to be content with the person you love, just as they are. Awesome blog Ashwini. Thanx blogger your writing skill is brilliant. @ Mateo - Casablanca

  82. Happy go lucky attitude will keep you stable under all circumstances. This is my style to face the life . @ Luke - Johannesburg , SA

  83. Evaluation by comparison is doomed to produce discontent, discouragement and a sense of failure because the reality is that there will always be someone out there better than us in any given metric at some point. This I always avoid and seems this called mental toughness. Is it ?

    @Gabriel - Manila

    1. Yes. Rightly said. Comparison always affects our mood.

  84. What are some interesting facts about mental toughness? They are not not jealous of your success. They won't judge you . They don't blame God for every small defeat. Because they know it's just a process.They are kind.They are greatful to whatever they have. Thank you Ashwini for referral link of blogger and got opportunity to read excellent content. Thank you for kindness my friend. @ Melbourn - Graham

  85. Mental toughness play a very important role in one's life. The world is full of negativity, insults, emotional stress,etc. Whenever you are becoming successful or on the way to start something new there always a thought at the back of your mind that will this thing be successful or not, will I be happy or not,etc. So to fight against all these thoughts and negatives we need to be tough and always be consistent and motivated and confident about what we are doing.Brilliant post @Karter -Phoenix Arizona

  86. I am responsible. I have taken credit and held myself accountable. I've made no excuses, nor blamed another. I am the star of my show, and I own up to me. This is my mental status adopted. Wonderful writing skill if whole blog . @ Tucker - Seattle ,Washington

  87. I'm not sure mental toughness is a statement i understand? But I have found compassion I.e. just accepting that most humans have to deal with the same issues I have to, perhaps on a different level or different way, but none the less the same, and this enables me to accept people can be as big and “asshole” as I can and do have the same issues keeping on top of their own stuff as I do and sometimes we do slip! This enables me to see things from the perspective of others, when they give their perspective, or simply rise above their crap, shrug my shoulders and walk away, or defend myself if absolutely necessary. All if this is within my head controlling my actions, except perhaps the final part which could also be physical. Being able to do thus, having compassion particularly in my view is very important. Thank you blogger for nice post . @Richard -Stockholm , Sweden

    1. Yes compassion makes you accept people as it is.

  88. True what you expressed in post . Research is starting to reveal that your mental toughness — or “grit” as they call it — plays a more important role than anything else for achieving your goals in health, business, and life. That’s good news because you can’t do much about the genes you were born with, but you can do a lot to develop mental toughness. Fabulous article my friend @ Elliott - Vancouver

  89. Mentally tough people don’t have to be more courageous, more talented, or more intelligent — just more consistent. Superb blig thanx @ Brooks - Salt Lake City , Utah USA

  90. we are usually trained (by our well-intentioned but never-satisfied parents, and others around us) to do just the opposite — to try to change people. However, you will only find trouble if you try to change your significant other. You might get them to change their behavior (but most often not), but they will be unhappy, and in turn the relationship will suffer. So better to set self as per conditions . Thank you i am glad to read your blog. @Nicholas - Johannesburg

  91. I am proud of my accomplishments. Mostly, I am proud of the person I am. In the end, I will be remembered for the kind, honest, hard-working, giving, and fair person that I am.This i sm doing. Thanx @Charles - Bogota Colombia

  92. In order to improve your adaptability try to live in conditions and situations which are a bit hard for you to handle. Slowly and gradually you will improve by having an undoubtable faith and doing things which you fear the most. Flexibility is always help to relieve stress. Wonderful!!! Dear

    @Elizabeth - Brussels

  93. The level of maturity and mental toughness is in proportionate amount to how much a person has suffered and learned in life from what they have lived through - negative experiences and hardships either make or break us.The difference is in the mindset, everything else follows. I found writer also explained his life part in two paras i liked that and this is mental toughness of writer . Thank you writer take my regard and thank you Ashwini fir referral link. @ Camila - Darwin

  94. An athlete who holds a world record may be elated with the achievement, but what happens when that record is broken after the athlete’s career has peaked and no further chances to improve exist? If that’s the individual’s measure of fulfillment, it means the remainder of their life is a disappointment with no possible remedy. Life is like that and I measure myself with this. @ Ella -London

  95. Self-reliance brings with it the power to do great things. Self-reliance provides true confidence, leadership and a lack of compromising dependencies. This is my mental toughness 😊 Thanx writer @ Eleanor - Canberra

  96. Learn to let go.Never change yourself for anyone, just learn to adapt.And by adapting doesn't mean bowing down its just a win win situation.So as long as both parties interest is safe you can definitely adapt according to the need. Fantastic posts Dear friend @ Luma - Auckland

  97. See, acceptance is the missing puzzle piece which allows you finish and move onto the next, more interesting and exciting puzzle. This is depend on toughness you have. I am greatful for opportunity to read your blog @ Serenity - Hanoi

  98. The tremendous amount of effort required to implement. Thanx @ Frankfurt -Lillian

  99. Mental toughness isn’t about getting an incredible dose of inspiration or courage. It’s about building the daily habits that allow you to stick to a schedule and overcome challenges and distractions over and over and over again.Thank you writer for a wonderful blog dear. Thank you Ashwini for referral link @ John - Anchorage,Alaska

  100. In every area of life — from your education to your work to your health — it is your amount of grit, mental toughness, and perseverance that predicts your level of success more than any other factor we can find.Excellent blog @ Hudson - Almaty

  101. I like to reflect on my life, and all the good things in it, on a regular basis. I do this when I run, or when I watch the sunset or sunrise, or when I’m out in nature.Superb post thank You @ Xavier - Auckland

  102. Your power lies in your ability to work with what you have and to be utterly self-reliant in your pursuit of unleashing the potential of this power. Wonderful blogger thanx. @ Vincent - Brussels

  103. Mentally tough people develop systems that help them focus on the important stuff regardless of how many obstacles life puts in front of them. It’s their habits that form the foundation of their mental beliefs and ultimately set them apart.Nice blog . @ Greyson - Helsinki

  104. Accept your reality and be creative with your available tools to work with what you have, as well as create more resources to work from and from there, the world cannot help but thrive from this new found source of use. You. Superb article @Parker - Jakarta

  105. Focus on small behaviors, not life–changing transformations.It’s my strategy ti face the life @Silas - Madrid

  106. Whatever it is, be clear about what you’re going after. Mental toughness is an abstract quality, but in the real world it’s tied to concrete actions. You can’t magically think your way to becoming mentally tough, you prove it to yourself by doing something in real life. Thank you so much writer for a wonderful post and referral link shared by Ashwini so kind act by you . @ Jasper - Vienna

  107. Mental toughness is like a muscle. It needs to be worked to grow and develop. If you haven’t pushed yourself in thousands of small ways, of course you’ll wilt when things get really difficult. Thank you dear @Gael - Barcelona

  108. Flexibility and adaptability are great qualities. The more you learn to be flexible the larger is your circle of influence.Thank you for beautiful blog my friend. @ River -Brisbane

  109. Being adaptable means you are able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions. Being flexible means you can do this easily.Thanx a ton @Kayden - Buenos Aires , Argentina

  110. I would say adaptability is not bad as long as you don’t lose the core of who you are.
    Fantastic article. @Ethan - Cape Town

  111. Adaptability is human’s single greatest strength. @Samuel - Canberra

  112. Find good in everything that happens.This is strength . @ Nat - Canberra

  113. Our brains and this world we’ve adapted to a biological comfort has now made most people psychologically incapable of adapting. It doesn’t mean they can’t, they just won’t or don’t. Fantastic blog. @ Andrew - CapeTown

  114. Humans adapt very quickly in an emergency situation. Then knowledge, creativity and intelligence all come in play. So practice of flexibility is necessary . Fabulous article my friend thanx. @ Mag-London

  115. The human mind doesn’t adapt very well unless it is forced to do so. We tend to stay in our boxes when things run normal. Excellent content in all posts @John - Amsterdam

  116. Sometimes we need to make an effort to change the outside world instead of changing ourselves to suit its constraints. In those cases, adaptibility becomes our greatest weakness.Writer you keep writing one day you may publish your book i am sure. Thank you Ashwini for referral link i am greatful. @Ethan -Dallas

  117. Change the way you think. Have positive perception.Start adjusting. Love everyone around you.Instead of complaining, if a person takes responsibility, the problem is going to be solved.This i am adopting. Thanx for a wonderful post. @ Maverick- Boston

  118. I Consider why i want something. Am i not content with what I already have? Why not?Fantastic blog @William - Newyork

  119. Adaptability comes with flexibility. When you are flexible, you start accepting things as they are. In the very beginning this is going to be a little tough. But once you start practicing, this will come with a flow. Thank you bro @ Greg -Frankfurt

  120. When the storm comes stay strong but when you are to be blown, adjust your sails. Fantastic blog written by you and superb informative flow in your posts. @Damian - Hanoi

  121. Adaptation becomes easy when you love everyone the way you love yourself. Great referral thanx @Jose - Dublin

  122. The most common metric of self-evaluation, even once it initially becomes conscious, is direct comparison to others—are we stronger, faster, more intelligent, more attractive, more popular, richer, and more successful than whoever we’re focused on… or not? The problems with this are numerous to say the least, and even the very foundation of the system is nonsensical—whom we choose to compare ourselves with is nearly always arbitrary, so even on its face, it’s a meaningless measurement.What you or all coaches philosopher saying is 100% right but how to implement that you need to tell bcaz very difficult. Thank you writer for a wonderful blog @Micah - Chicago

  123. The light may come from unknown direction, place and person.How do we keep it open? With readiness to listen others and also the voice from within.The voice within can be heard only when w clam our mind.Thanx for brilliant writers reference. @ Emmett - Harrare

  124. Our minds will actively seek examples until we can find one that proves our concerns are legitimate. How to keep this silent?

    @Vincent - Denver

  125. Try to understand your surroundings , nature , plants , enjoy it's beauty and try to praise the alluring nature of human as well as earth , try not to be snart but carring and clam. This told me someone is it correct coach?

    @Neil - Dublin

  126. There is no special need to do something to improve adaptability.Like a new born baby adapt to new world, a person himself can adapt to new environment.Like a infant struggle to adapt, a man also struggle to adapt and that is the law of nature.So one must go through struggle to improve adaptability and then it becomes a habit. Thanx dear @ Katherin -Boston

  127. If you mean “How do I develop adaptability?” or “How do I learn to be adaptable?”, it just takes patience and learning to not be thrown or intimidated by change, learning to accept change when it happens and using your head to figure out what your options are when it comes to how to adapt to accommodate the change.Excellent blog. @ Andy -USA

  128. You first accept that circumstances and people in your life will regularly change. You can comfortably learn from all lifes experiences by being self confident and adaptable. @Diane Lundberg Studied Special Education & Psychology at University of Connecticut Storrs Lives inSouth Carolina

  129. Accept your surrounding and the environment you live in without any expectations from it. Embrace it with all its negatives and positives. Who knows you may be happy by this adaptability.Wonderful post thanx @Rodrigues- Sydney

  130. Increase the acceptance level of people as they are and situations as they are . Something that cannot be changed acceptance alone will help. We can have no control over others behaviour and something happened can never be undone. Reduce too much importance to self. We concept is always better than I concept.Thank you for a quality blog. @Claire-Bedford, England

  131. We react to people in large part on the basis of how they make us feel and how we think we will feel if we help them. I hope your blog will help me to get out of this thank you writer. @Sarah- Minsk, Belarus

  132. Part of happiness depends on personality. Some people have a naturally happy nature. We all know people who are cheerful and optimistic most of the time. Their upbeat personalities make it easier for them to be happy.Thanx my dear friend. @Margaret- Seattle, Washington, USA

  133. Stop, and remind yourself. When you find yourself unhappy with someone, or trying to change them, stop yourself. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you should try to be happy with that person for who he/she is. Take a moment to think about the good things about that person, the reasons you love that person. Then accept their faults as part of their entire package. But very difficult to do this. Thanx for a wonderful fabulous blog. @Alexandria- London

  134. At the root of wanting more is not being content with what you have. Once you’ve learned to be content, you don’t need more. You can stop acquiring, and start enjoying. Fantastic post. @Scarlette-Brisbane

  135. This my experience that the reason we get into financial trouble, oftentimes, is that we buy more than we can afford. And the root of that buying is buying things we want instead of only things we need, and the root of that is not being content with what we already have. Nice message learning given your blog. Thank you. @Kaiya-Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  136. Healthy and productive self-evaluation is concerned with only two metrics: our own values primarily, and our chosen goals secondarily. Do our behavior, words and character reflect and support our values or not? Are we working toward our goals actively and effectively or not? Where are we falling short in these intentions, and how do we improve? In other words, this evaluation is entirely self-contained—in no way does it consider anything beyond ourselves. Awesome blog. @Kamilah-London

  137. I devote time to my constructive hobbies when i feel week to get the fresh mood. Thanx for referral link. @Nicholas - Johannesburg, South Africa

  138. Clear space, clear mind! Make some time, even if it’s only for 5 minutes each day to tidy your environment - your mind will thank you. this i am doing to keep my mood high. Thanx writer. @Harrison-Perth

  139. The Wildlife Trusts of England tracked the mental health of wildlife project volunteers for 12 weeks. At the start, 39% of volunteers reported poor mental health. By the end, that number was reduced to 19%.Go in Nature it is free of cost but we don't have value and care. @Thiago- London

  140. “shinrin-yoku” (forest-bathing). A Japanese study discovered that a walk through the woods can alleviate acute emotions such as hostility, depression, and boredom. This is best solution to keep mood high or normal. @Bentley-Prague

  141. A good diet is essential for our mental wellbeing on so many levels. From the purely biological to the psychological, it can play a pivotal role in how we feel and how we feel about ourselves.
    On a physiological level, research has shown that if we’re deficient in certain minerals, such as iron and vitamin B12, there can be an increased risk of low mood. Take care of these then automatically mood will be ok. Thanx. @Blake- Austin

  142. Perception of stress is based on individual response. What may be stressful for one may be thrilling and challenging for another. to deal with it we need to find out something. After read of your post i am bit confused about how we can be ok without anything. Sorry i am giving true feel pls don't take it otherwise. Your blog posts are very high level. Thanx. @Louis- Barcelona, Spain

  143. Understanding and reminding yourself of the theory of toughness of mood is the only way to keep on the track and it is life long process. Thanx for a wonderful journey your blog . I am also a fan of James Clear. @ Malcolm-Stockholm, Sweden

  144. Enjoy the journey (don‘t obsess about the destination) because the journey is all you really have. Superb post. @Colson- Sweden

  145. Time will magnify everything if efforts are continuous. Life is journey with all obstacles and everyone has to perform whether with substance or without substance. Only efforts will give result that is for sure. So why to measure on scale of 1-10 what is need ? Only efforts are essential to get what you want . This is my way of thinking with the world. Thanx bro for oportunity due to your blog post to express. @Ricardo-Sweden

  146. The more mindful you become with your emotions and beliefs and feelings, the more precise you can be about addressing them, but if you just let your emotions run away from you or try to suppress them, then it’s hard to address them in any precise way. So toughness of mind is necessary. what you said is perfectly find. @ Stetson-Gothenburg, Sweden

  147. Building mental strength is fundamental to living your best life. Just as we go to the gym and lift weights in order to build our physical muscles, we must also develop our mental health through the use of mental tools and techniques. Pls tell those techniques coach. Thanx for beutiful informative blog. @Sterling- Helsinki, Finland

  148. Mental strength is something that is developed over time by individuals who choose to make personal development a priority. Much like seeing physical gains from working out and eating healthier, we must develop healthy mental habits, like practicing gratitude, if we want to experience mental health gains.
    Likewise, to see physical gains we must also give up unhealthy habits, such as eating junk food, and for mental gains, give up unhealthy habits such as feeling sorry for oneself.
    We are all able to become mentally stronger, the key is to keep practicing and exercising your mental muscles — just as you would if you were trying to build physical strength! Thank you so much for referral link of wonderful brilliant writer. @Clark-Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  149. Mental Toughness, refers to the ability to stay strong in the face of adversity; to keep your focus and determination despite the difficulties you encounter. A mentally tough individual sees challenge and adversity as an opportunity and not a threat, and has the confidence and positive approach to take what comes in their stride. Thank you for wonderful thought process brought into light by writer. @Grady-Lisbon

  150. No words, just applause. Such a great piece! @Hank-London

  151. You’re a wordsmith! Thank you for creating this blogl! I’ve had such a great time reading through it. All posts i read and it's amazing. @Francis-Darwin

  152. Mental toughness begins when you choose to take notice of what’s passing through your mind, without identifying personally with those thoughts or feelings. Then, finding the determination to evoke optimistic thoughts about the situation at hand. Request you to tell how to focus on the way out. @Dominick- Anchorage, Alaska, USA

  153. Do you have anything else that I could read? I really admire your writing style, and I’d love to read more.@Marchose-Manila, Philippines

    1. Thank you. At present my blog , you can read.

  154. The difference in terms of the phrase ‘survive and prosper.’ Resilience helps you to survive, and mental toughness helps you to prosper. Great post. I liked dear. @Shane-Budapest

  155. Mental toughness begins when you choose to take notice of what’s passing through your mind, without identifying personally with those thoughts or feelings. Then, finding the determination to evoke optimistic thoughts about the situation at hand.Your wonderful story i liked thank you bro. @Cannon-Kingston, Jamaica

  156. Developing mental toughness revolve around five themes:
    Positive Thinking
    Anxiety Control
    Goal Setting
    Attentional Control
    As with building mental strength, developing mental toughness does require self-awareness and commitment. Fantastic blog. @Zaire-Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

  157. I read this post your post so nice and very informative post thanks for sharing this post. @Millan-Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  158. Mentally tough individuals appear to achieve more than the mentally sensitive and enjoy a greater degree of contentment. Impressive blog reference i got thanx for that. @Armando-Stockholm, Sweden

  159. Wow the best part of your blog is your fathers engineering explained by you. Great work. We should not ignore the best para of this post. Everyone is giving so much knowledge so i felt that i should say this. Every time philosophy is not at top. Thanx . Give my regards and hats off to your father writer. Thanx for referral link. @Finnley- Stockholm, Sweden

  160. The control component can be considered your self-esteem. To be high on the Control scale means to feel comfortable in your own skin and have a good sense of who you are.Great blog. @Edison-Madrid, Spain

  161. Hi Madhav ...totally love your blog. It's going on my feedly. The info here in excellent. @Taylor-Frankfurt

  162. what a fabulous informative post. i always like to comment so that writer knows that i read the post and appreciate you. @Melina abbot - Sydney

  163. Together, the Control and Commitment scales represent the Resilience part of the Mental Toughness definition. This makes sense because the ability to bounce back from setbacks requires a sense of knowing that you are in control of your life and can make a change. Very nice blog. @Rayan-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

  164. Mental resilience is not a trait that people either have or don’t have. Rather, it involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed in everyone. Of course, there may be a genetic component to a person’s level of mental resilience, but it is certainly something that can be built upon. Thanx for sharing. @Cillian-Auckland, New Zealand

  165. Thank you for a wonderful topic. Resilience can be cultivated through will-power, discipline, and hard work; and there are many strategies by which to do so. The key is to identify ways that are likely to work well for you as part of your own personal strategy for cultivating resilience. @Evander-Johannesburg, South Africa

  166. Thank you so much for your great work. It is so good for all those who are willing to be good humans.
    So many people are in need of this kind of writing. I hope that you will write more of this kind. @Tracy Schadeberg-Sydney

  167. Great collection, it’s giving me motivation. I’ll continue taking the baby steps.@Puneet Nigam

  168. Well, thanks Madhav, this article landed in my hands (monitor) and really appreciate it. It has helped to clarify some areas after a major setback in my professional career. Life is complex, there is not silver bullet to fix all the problems, but definitively, nurture your mind with this kind of information helps.
    Special Thanks to Ashwini for reference .@Eduardo-Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

  169. In this world, where we keep affecting ourselves with all the pain, it is important to take care of ourselves and keep shining. Every word meant a lot. Thank you for sharing.@Wesson-San Juan, Puerto Rico

  170. Very well written and organized article. Thank you and all the best. @Ira-UK

  171. I have learnt a lot from your articles. best regards.@Demetrius-Stockholm, Sweden

  172. I have learnt great motivation from this article. It’s a great ideas those who want mentally strong.@Raymond-Darwin

  173. You cannot control everything that happens to you but you absolutely can control how you react to what happens. In these cases, your mind can be your biggest asset or your worst enemy. When you learn how to train it well, you can bounce back from difficult situations and can accomplish incredible feats. Thanx @Prince-Antananarivo

  174. such a wonderful blog referance today i got i am thankful to writer. If you want to experience greater overall life satisfaction, you must be in good mental health. Mental fitness includes strength, toughness, and resilience. Building these muscles may be very challenging, and might take years of effort and commitment, but the benefits of being mentally fit and resilient will be seen in all aspects of your life. @Cooper-Copenhagen, Denmark

  175. Yes rightly said, enhanced performance, better relationships, and a greater sense of wellbeing can all be achieved by developing healthy mental habits while giving up unhealthy mental habits.You are wonderful writer.@Hunter- Hanoi, Vietnam

  176. We can all improve our mental health by implementing these strategies and committing to the process for the long-term.Your blog is helping tool for this. @Carson-Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

  177. Don’t Care What Others Think. Brilliant blog.@Nathan-UK

  178. I Do More Of What Makes me Happy and this give me strength and result is i am mentally tough. Greatful for the article.@Aaron-UK

  179. To nurture a positive self-view is to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. Try to do so as well when someone does not believe in you.This is my style. Thanx for article. @Damian-La Paz, Bolivia

  180. The silver lining to experiencing adverse life events is that the more you are able to flex your resiliency muscle, the better you will be able to bounce back again the next time life throws you a curveball! Fantastic blog. @Stefan-Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

  181. "Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes." Chinese Proverb
    Mental toughness means backbone, daring, determination, fortitude, guts, mettle, moxie, nerve, perseverance, resolution, spirit, tenacity, toughness. It is is the ability to persevere in pursuit of a goal; no matter how long it takes.Thank you @Larry- Boston

  182. If you want to become more mentally tough, you have to become tough about what you think. Thank you for wonderful article. @Marcellus- Amsterdam, Netherlands

  183. As usual writer has done a great work with simple flow of thought process with a great message. Throughout our lives, we evaluate ourselves frequently most often this is an unconscious process, but our attitude, sense of contentment, and outlook on life are all influenced by the results whether or not we’re aware any type of assessment is occurring.
    At the root of many of tools and strategies for building our mental toughness, are Self-Awareness and Acceptance. In order to enhance, improve or build upon our existing mental strength, we must be aware of where we are at, and also accept that this is where we are at. Only then can we begin to take steps toward a stronger, healthier mental state. Thank you.



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